full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Miru Kim: My underground art explorations

Unscramble the Blue Letters

When I took photographs in these locations, I felt there was something missing in the pictures. Simply documenting these soon-to-be-demolished structures wasn't enough for me. So I wanted to certae a fictional character or an animal that dwells in these underground spaces, and the simplest way to do it, at the time, was to model myself. I decided against clothing because I wanted the figure to be without any cultural ioilcntaipms or time-specific elements. I wanted a simple way to represent a lvniig body iatihnibng these diecanyg, derelict spaces.

Open Cloze

When I took photographs in these locations, I felt there was something missing in the pictures. Simply documenting these soon-to-be-demolished structures wasn't enough for me. So I wanted to ______ a fictional character or an animal that dwells in these underground spaces, and the simplest way to do it, at the time, was to model myself. I decided against clothing because I wanted the figure to be without any cultural ____________ or time-specific elements. I wanted a simple way to represent a ______ body __________ these ________, derelict spaces.


  1. create
  2. implications
  3. decaying
  4. living
  5. inhabiting

Original Text

When I took photographs in these locations, I felt there was something missing in the pictures. Simply documenting these soon-to-be-demolished structures wasn't enough for me. So I wanted to create a fictional character or an animal that dwells in these underground spaces, and the simplest way to do it, at the time, was to model myself. I decided against clothing because I wanted the figure to be without any cultural implications or time-specific elements. I wanted a simple way to represent a living body inhabiting these decaying, derelict spaces.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
york city 4

Important Words

  1. animal
  2. body
  3. character
  4. clothing
  5. create
  6. cultural
  7. decaying
  8. decided
  9. derelict
  10. documenting
  11. dwells
  12. elements
  13. felt
  14. fictional
  15. figure
  16. implications
  17. inhabiting
  18. living
  19. locations
  20. missing
  21. model
  22. photographs
  23. pictures
  24. represent
  25. simple
  26. simplest
  27. simply
  28. spaces
  29. structures
  30. time
  31. underground
  32. wanted